Dating Safety Tips for LGBTQ+ Community

Pridate provides an opportunity to connect with others in the LGBTQ+ community for friendship, dating, and enjoyment, and we hope your interactions with other members are positive and rewarding. However, not every encounter may be safe and friendly. We strongly advise exercising caution and using common sense, especially when meeting someone in person through Pridate.

Please take a moment to review these essential safety guidelines, designed to protect you both online and offline. Always remember, if you feel you are in immediate danger or have fallen victim to a crime, contact the police promptly.

Guard Against Fraud:

  • Refrain from sharing personal or financial details with individuals you’ve met online or don’t know well.
  • Avoid sending money to online acquaintances, particularly via wire transfer.
  • Never disclose credit card information or sensitive identification numbers like social security numbers.

Preserve Your Privacy:

  • Stay anonymous until you feel secure, being cautious about revealing identifiable information.
  • Be mindful of sharing details like phone numbers or email addresses, as they could lead to your personal information being exploited.

Secure Your Login Information:

  • Exercise caution when accessing your account from shared or public computers.
  • Never store passwords or screen names on public computers.
  • If someone requests your password, report them immediately.

Ask Questions:

  • Learn more about a potential date or hookup by asking direct questions and verifying the information provided.
  • Use Internet search tools or conduct background checks for additional insights.

Meeting In Person:

  • Verify the identity of the person you’re meeting by requesting recent photos and some form of identification.
  • First meetings should be in public places; inform a friend of your plans and share relevant details.
  • Take your cell phone, meet in well-populated locations, and consider having a friend call during the meeting.

Be Assertive:

  • Set boundaries and communicate your comfort levels, including sexual boundaries.
  • Respect others’ wishes and be assertive about your own.

Have Your Own Transportation:

  • Avoid depending on someone else for transportation; use public transport or a taxi.

Keep A Clear Head:

  • Avoid excessive alcohol or substances when meeting someone for the first time.

Secure Your Valuables:

  • If meeting at someone’s home, avoid bringing cash, credit cards, or valuable items.
  • If hosting, secure valuables and be cautious about leaving the visitor alone.

Ask About Health:

  • Discuss health matters, including HIV status and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Use protection during sexual encounters, and be aware that not everyone may be truthful about their health status.

Block Abusive Users:

  • Block and report any member displaying abusive behavior.

If The Problem Happened Outside Pridate:

  • In emergencies, contact 911 for immediate assistance.
  • If harassed or victimized, reach out to the Anti-Violence Project hotline at (212) 714-1141.

If You Are Being Abused:

  • Refrain from retaliation in verbally or physically abusive situations.
  • Seek help if you are experiencing partner abuse; everyone has the right to a life free from abuse.

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